Saturday 19 August 2017


This specially goes out to the shisha/hookah lovers who are on a shisha/hookah hunt in the city of Jakarta, Indonesia.

Basically the are numerous places serving shisha/hookah in Jakarta, from the basic laid down place up to the grand and exclusive places.

But as for me personally, the place to smoke and chill with shisha/hookah, it falls into the second category. The first thing that I personally look for while shisha/hookah hunting is a GOOD QUALITY shisha.

And bearing this in mind, during my last trip to Jakarta, the ONLY place that I found which fits into my QUALITY and TASTE were the shishas/hookahs served in the place called SHISHA CAFE.

SHISHA CAFE as to date, have 5 branches throughout Jakarta. They can also be easily found through searches in google.

One of the BEST SHISHA CAFE branch that accommodates shisha/hookah were the ones in SHISHA CAFE KEMANG. Basically this branch is being set up in a bungalow which were turned into sort of exclusive eatery cum exclusive shisha cafe with all the sofas, nice set up, comfy, plus additional BELLY DANCERS on certain days.

So guys, for those of you who are in Jakarta, do drop by this place and feel it by yourselves. CHECK IT OUT!!


Greetings to all readers, I really do hope you people love the contents and informations on shisha/hookah.

If you find it helpful and useful, do kindly SHARE the love by clicking the SHARE button ya..

If there are any information that you need and want to know, kindly do drop me suggestions to my email at Help me to improvise and SHARE the love to others..

Full of love and lovely smokes, :)

Thursday 11 May 2017


Hello.. hello to all beloved shisha lovers!!

I do believe that the TOPIC for this post is a frequent question that haunts most of the shisha makers world wide.

Now allow me to shine some light on this matter..

FIRST of all, to be able to mix NICE and GOOD tasting mix is.... you got to know the BASIC taste of each flavours that you want to mix. I will give example based on the most common brand which is Al Fakher.
As for the basic taste, we take Fakher 2 apples for example. It is a STRONG and THICK tasting flavour plus SWEET. While Fakher grape is SOFT and MILD. So if you were to mix these two flavours, it is BEST if you put in more of grape (2/3) and less of 2 apples (1/3). By this way of mixing, you will balance the flavours taste equally thus avoiding the STRONGER flavour from overpowering the taste SOFT and MILD flavour.

Yes, this is quite technical and it will take you some time to be able to distinguish the basic taste of each flavours but once you got the hold of it, trust me, you will be mixing the flavours BRILLIANTLY like a very seasoned bartender..

Good luck with you mixtures and enjoy your HOOKAH/SHISHA guys!!
lots of love from me!!

Monday 31 August 2015

Which type of shisha / hookah to buy and use?

Among the frequently asked questions all the time is, "which shisha/hookah should I buy/use?" as there are numerous brands and designs in the market nowadays.

It is simple. What is the purpose of your shisha/hookah? Is it for personal usage? or is it for business usage?

Personally, for personal usage, I myself love to use the expensive ones yet very reliable. Among the brands that I have for my personal usage are from khalil ma'moon and megahed. There are also a few other brands that serves the purpose. But I wouldn't recommend the shisha/hookah set which can be dismantled except for a few which are made with quality such as MYA brand.

The best shisha/hookah set for businesses are not the cheap ones but the average priced. And it would be highly recommended to use the HEAVY METAL set for long lasting usage and reliability. A heavy metal shisha/hookah can last for at least 3 - 5 years of business usage life compared to the cheap ones which may last you around 1 - 2 years ONLY.

below is an example of a heavy metal shisha/hookah set.

Sunday 27 April 2014

Where to find Shisha / Hookah in Bangkok

This is based on my own personal experience in Bangkok during my last trip on October 2013.. Bangkok is a HUGE place and you REALLY do NEED a PROPER MAP to navigate your way around.. And my advice if you want to move from place to place, try using the taxi or the train.. this is much more convenient and also will avoid you from being ripped off.
     A convenient place to stay in Bangkok which would be nearby to shisha / hookah shop, is the 'Arab Street'.. it is situated across 'Soi Nana'. The average for the shisha / hookah prices here is around 200 baht. and this would be among the cheapest rate throughout Bangkok.. The commonly used charcoal here is wood charcoal.. and the quality of the shisha/hookah served here varies from shop to shop.. this you have to find out by yourself..

For those who would like me to post a review / article of yours, you can email it to me @

Monday 21 April 2014


To my readers and followers, i'm sorry for the long time of absence.. Well life have been quite busy, distracted, moving around and etc.. I have covered you people with the basics of shisha/hookah, and now I want to REMIND AGAIN about the CLEANLINESS of your shisha/hookah.. Do CHANGE the water in your shisha/hookah BOWL after EVERY session.. this will GREATLY improve your shisha/hookah taste and ALSO will also HELP to MINIMIZE the health risk.. So please, do make it into a HABIT please..
As for the Metal Stem, you can just rinse it and wash it through with cold water after every session, and clean it with a long brush once every two weeks or a month..

Sunday 15 September 2013

ice in my hookah / shisha??

The method of putting ice into the shisha / hookah base is quite commonly practiced by many shisha / hookah makers all around the globe. The purpose of doing this is mainly to make the shisha / hookah taste smoother and cooler on the throat. But I wouldn't recommend it though. You may ask WHY? Here's the thing. Yes, by doing this it will surely make your shisha / hookah cooler and smoother but the downside of it is it will have effects on your lungs. As you can see the smokes gets cooled because of the moisture content in it increases. This will also increase the content of moisture entering your lungs thus enabling you to be more prone to PNEUMONIA. To put it into simpler words, it will increase the chances of you having water in your lungs as when the moisture content in the smoke increases, it will also increase the moisture contents in your lungs. So, I seriously wouldn't recommend doing this. To make your shisha / hookah cooler and smoother, just increase the mint flavour in your bowl. That would be sufficient enough to do the job. :)