Sunday 15 September 2013

ice in my hookah / shisha??

The method of putting ice into the shisha / hookah base is quite commonly practiced by many shisha / hookah makers all around the globe. The purpose of doing this is mainly to make the shisha / hookah taste smoother and cooler on the throat. But I wouldn't recommend it though. You may ask WHY? Here's the thing. Yes, by doing this it will surely make your shisha / hookah cooler and smoother but the downside of it is it will have effects on your lungs. As you can see the smokes gets cooled because of the moisture content in it increases. This will also increase the content of moisture entering your lungs thus enabling you to be more prone to PNEUMONIA. To put it into simpler words, it will increase the chances of you having water in your lungs as when the moisture content in the smoke increases, it will also increase the moisture contents in your lungs. So, I seriously wouldn't recommend doing this. To make your shisha / hookah cooler and smoother, just increase the mint flavour in your bowl. That would be sufficient enough to do the job. :)

Saturday 14 September 2013

Which charcoal for hookah / shisha?

There are a few varieties of charcoal that can be used for shisha / hookah smoking. Here I will explain the differences of a few.

-classic wood charcoal.

This charcoal is common all around the world. It is one of the oldest type of charcoal used for shisha / hookah smoking. It is relatively cheap. There are many types of wood charcoal available but the quality depends a lot on the type of woods used to make the charcoal. The downside of this charcoal is that it takes longer time to burn compared to other types of charcoal. This charcoal have a strong heat thus using this charcoal for smoking shisha / hookah tends to burn the flavour faster.

-coconut shell briquette charcoal.

This charcoal is made from coconut shell. It is considered one of the lower grades of charcoal for shisha / hookah. It burns quite easily and have to be broken into smaller pieces to be used. The downside of this charcoal is that it doesn't last long and charcoal have to be changed quite frequently. Also depending on the quality, the dust of this charcoal doesn't fall off easily thus making the heat to grow dimmer. The heat for this charcoal is lower compared to other types of charcoal.

-instant, easy ignite charcoal.

This is considered to be the lowest grade charcoal for shisha / hookah and should be the last choice. This charcoal contains more chemical than any other charcoals due to its characteristics of instant and easy ignite. Most of this charcoal type will also affect your shisha taste due to its chemical contents.

-cube coconut shell charcoal.

This is by far the best charcoal to be used for shisha / hookah. The price is slightly higher than other types but quality-wise, is better off. It burns quite easily and can last longer than other charcoals. The taste of shisha / hookah burnt by this charcoal is SUPERB. The heat is lower than wood charcoal but higher than coconut shell briquette. The heat is also consistent throughout your shisha / hookah sessions thus making it the best choice of charcoal as to date. The dust fall off easily by a slight knock / blow.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

other settings of shisha/hookah

These few settings are also crucial in order for you to enjoy the good taste of shisha/hookah..
Selection of base. This depends alot on the size of metal stem. The long ones are not suitable to be used with a small base and vice versa. You also have to make sure the base grommet is working fine else there is going to be a leak and your shisha/hookah will feel very light when being sucked and also the smoke won't be as thick.
As for the water level in the base, the metal stem should dip in the water around 2 inches. this is the best setup for any shisha/hookah. If the water level is too high, the water will be spilled into the hose.
The bearing in the valve must also be checked frequently as it easily gets rusty and won't be efficient enough. It might also be stuck if it is rusty. Do not seal off the valve as you will have problem tuning your shisha/hookah when it gets harsh. If the bearing is missing, you can simply replace it with a clean and oiled bicycle or motorcycle bearing.

Sunday 8 September 2013

"should i squeeze the juice from the tobacco flavour?"

This is one of the most frequently asked question.. And usually the question will keep on haunting those who are unsure of the purpose of this action.
As for my personal opinion and my personal experience, the answer is NO. I strongly believe that the juice plays a major part in enhancing the taste and smoke of your shisha/hookah. It is the juice that helps to prolong your shisha/hookah sessions longer. If not for the juice, your flavours will be burnt quickly and easily.
But i do believe, some of you will question, won't this make the shisha/hookah harsh.. and again my answer would be NO.. It will only be harsh IF the juice were on your foil (commonly around the holes poked).  To overcome this problem, you just need to wipe the juice off the foil and make sure the foil is totally juice free.. VOILA.. the problem now vanishes..
For those who disagree with my opinion, you are welcomed to try out my solution and compare it to yours.. for those who need to contact me, you can email me at

high quality and long lasting charcoal

This is one of our product available for good shisha/hookah taste..

for facebook link, you can click here:
steps on how to setup your shisha/hookah:

-poke your foils with holes
-fill your bowl with tobacco flavours
-close your bowl with foil
-fill base with water of choice
-put well burnt charcoal on foil over bowl

your fitted foil must be firm/tight and not loose as this will affect the quality of your shisha/hookah..

loose foil will look like this:

filling up your bowl with tobacco flavours also need not to be overloaded and too packed. It should be loose and just slightly lower than the brim of the bowl.
an overfilled bowl will look like this:

using a well burnt charcoal is also very important as this will also affect your shisha/hookah quality. Not fully burnt charcoal will give you a charcoal taste as well as it will be harsh and make you slightly dizzy.
REMINDER!! charcoal should be evenly spread on the outline of your bowl and NOT in the middle!!
Proper way to put your charcoal will look like this:
and not like this!!

Now you can enjoy your shisha/hookah session with these basic steps..

understanding your shisha/hookah

roughly, this is the basic diagram of a normal shisha/hookah..
Phew.. it have been quite a while since i updated this blog. First of all. I will start with the very basic for those who have just joined our shisha/hookah world. I will guide you step by step on how to make your shisha/hookah sessions a pleasant one. Keep updated yea.. will be back soon with pics.. :)

Saturday 9 February 2013

shisha hookah Malaysia

Salam sejahtera kepada pelanggan2 dan rakan2 se shisha / hookah sekalian.. Izinkan kami memperkenalkan diri kepada anda. Kami (My Shisha) adalah pengedar Tunggal bagi flavour 'homemade' yang semakin mendapat sambutan di hati pelanggan tempatan serata pelosok Malaysia. Kami juga merupakan pengedar tunggal bagi arang shisha / hookah 'My Cube'.
   Blog ini bertujuan untuk menerangkan tentang produk2 shisha / hookah kami. Kami sangat mengalu2kan sebarang pertanyaan atau komen dari anda. Di sini juga kami akan mengemaskini tentang produk2 terbaru dari My Shisha. Jadi, silalah 'bookmark' page kami dan rajin2lah menjenguk blog kami dari semasa ke semasa ye.
  Untuk sebarang pertanyaan atau pembelian produk shisha / hookah kami, anda boleh hubungi: yazid - 012-6364 696 atau pakcik 013- 393 7786. Terima kasih di atas sokongan dari anda sekalian!!

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Do welcome our shisha hookah shop

Shisha shop selling hookah/shisha flavours, charcoal and accessories is now open!! Our core products currently is Homemade Flavours (Now known as My Flavour) and My Cube high quality charcoal. And also other shisha stuff and accessories which will be updated once the stock is in.
  As for the products of our shisha shop, we guarantee you the Quality and the Satisfaction. As our product is delicately selected to provide you with the best shisha experience and taste. Do frequently drop by for our latest news and updates about products.
  Lastly, we thank you in advance for your support of our shisha hookah shop and look forward to do business with you.